Dr. Wassef E. Michael Mikhail Memorial Global Health Scholarship

Dr. Wassef E. Michael Mikhail Memorial Global Health Scholarship

RAD-AID is pleased to announce the Dr. Wassef E. Michael Mikhail Memorial Global Health Scholarship, in honor of Dr. Wassef Mikhail. Dr. Mikhail shared and stood for RAD-AID’s vision of increasing access to health services worldwide, valuing education, mentorship, and innovation. This scholarship is provided to fund outreach work for radiology residents from institutions with RAD-AID Chapters. The application is open to all chapter members. Click here to access the application under our “Chapter Resources” webpage.

This grant reflects the work and legacy of Dr. Wassef Mikhail, who was a globally respected orthopedic surgeon (see full obituary here).

Mikhail Grant Recipient and UCSD Chapter Chief, Victoria Vuong (middle), volunteering in Guyana, 2023

Dr. Wassef Mikhail

Dr. Miriam Mikhail presenting at Global Forum on Medical Devices

Mikhail Grant Recipient and University Colorado Chapter Member, Ivy Ewald (third from right), volunteering in Nepal in 2023