
Eralda Mema, MD

Program Manager, RAD-AID Albania

Dr. Eralda Mema is a fourth year Radiology resident at Columbia University Medical Center, who is starting her breast fellowship at NYU Medical Center this July. She became involved with RAD-AID early in her residency when she joined the Asha Jyoti RAD-AID program in India. Born and raised in Albania, she always wanted to give back to her country of origin where preventative health screenings are non-existent and women health services are lacking significantly. As the manager of RAD-AID Albania, she envisions RAD-AID to make an impact in much needed radiology services, particularly those related to women’s health, by educating healthcare providers, training radiologists and educating the population. For more information about RAD-AID Albania, please contact Dr. Mema at