

Volunteer with RAD-AID Mongolia

Mongolia has a population of nearly 3.3 million people, yet presents an insufficient radiology workforce to provide much-needed services to its population. Although imaging technologies are present in-country, they too are insufficient to meet healthcare needs.

RAD-AID Volunteer teaching MR at Intermed Hospital in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2023

RAD-AID Mongolia performed a Radiology-Readiness assessment in 2020. The assessment demonstrated challenges with regards to non-standardized education for technologists and radiologists, lack of radiology equipment maintenance, a dearth in availability and accessibility to imaging technologies, and a lack of continued medical education.

Launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, RAD-AID Mongolia’s strategy included providing access to continuing education for technologists and radiologists and virtual live educational webinars.

Strategies to support our partners in Mongolia include a hybrid approach of virtual educational support and clinical hands-on education (when travel is supported again), across many modalities, including CT, MRI, radiography, mammography, and ultrasound.

Team of technologists at Intermed Hospital, Mongolia